Ribbed Belts
Ribbed Belts | McMaster-CarrChoose from our selection of ribbed belts, including V-belts, high-strength timing belts and pulleys, and more. In stock and ready to ship.Ribbed belts - OptibeltThe ribbed belt combines the high flexibility of the flat belt with the high performance of the V-belt. The V-shaped parallel ribs are made from a
Micro Rib Belts (Serpentine Belts) - VBelts4LessMicro rib belts are great for high power transmissions drives where reverse bending and back side Micro rib belts are also known as poly ribbed belts.What do belt section designations mean for ribbed V-belts?Jan 6, 2022 — The ribs ensure even load distribution across the entire belt width, giving ribbed V-belts efficiencies in the range of 98 percent — similar to Ribbed Belts & Vee-Ribbed Belts | Carlisle Belts | CRPBrowse our Ribbed Belts built to combine the performance of v-belts and flat belts. UK Stock Holding. 600000+ Belt References. Browse Ribbed Belts Now!
- GREAT PRICEGreat price compared to similar brand new items
- 1 pcs
- Negotiable
- New ACDelco 6K465 V Ribbed Serpentine Belt
- 6K465
- 1 pcs